Not in My Town: 10 Ways to Fight Pride Events Locally

As Pride events spread to small towns across America, Christians are left wondering how to respond. Standing against the public celebration of sin requires courage, conviction, and action at the local level. However, Christians must also remember that in every stand against darkness, there is an opportunity to shine the light of Christ.
Here are ten practical strategies to fight Pride events in your community while proclaiming the hope of the gospel.
Here are ten practical strategies to fight Pride events in your community while proclaiming the hope of the gospel.
1. Take Action Before It Happens
Don’t wait for Pride events to come to your town. Be proactive. Write letters to businesses, schools, libraries, and local officials explaining your opposition to such events. Let them know that the Christian community will not tolerate the public celebration of sin.
By acting early, you can discourage organizers from targeting your town in the first place. Resistance before events gain momentum is far more effective than trying to undo the damage afterward. In doing so, you also have opportunities to build relationships with community leaders and introduce the gospel as the foundation for morality and justice.
Click here for sample letters to business, magistrates, pastors, and libraries.
By acting early, you can discourage organizers from targeting your town in the first place. Resistance before events gain momentum is far more effective than trying to undo the damage afterward. In doing so, you also have opportunities to build relationships with community leaders and introduce the gospel as the foundation for morality and justice.
Click here for sample letters to business, magistrates, pastors, and libraries.
2. Educate Local Businesses
Many Pride events rely on financial support from local businesses, often under the guise of promoting "inclusivity." Send letters to these businesses explaining what Pride events truly celebrate: sodomy, drag performances, and the exploitation of children.
Make it clear that Christians will not support businesses that fund these events. In Shelbyville, Kentucky, this strategy cut off financial support for a Pride event, forcing organizers to rely on outside funding. At the same time, use these opportunities to build relationships with business owners, offering to pray for them and share why standing for righteousness honors both God and their community.
Make it clear that Christians will not support businesses that fund these events. In Shelbyville, Kentucky, this strategy cut off financial support for a Pride event, forcing organizers to rely on outside funding. At the same time, use these opportunities to build relationships with business owners, offering to pray for them and share why standing for righteousness honors both God and their community.
3. Confront Local Government
Your mayor, city council, and other magistrates have authority over public events. Engage with them respectfully but firmly. Let them know that you and others in the community oppose the use of public funds, such as police protection or road closures, to support Pride parades or events.
Encourage local leaders to pass ordinances that restrict the public celebration of immorality. Remind them that their duty before God is to promote good and restrain evil (Romans 13:3-4). As you speak with them, emphasize that your goal is not merely opposition but to protect the community and uphold what is good. These conversations can often lead to discussions about the ultimate source of righteousness—Jesus Christ.
Encourage local leaders to pass ordinances that restrict the public celebration of immorality. Remind them that their duty before God is to promote good and restrain evil (Romans 13:3-4). As you speak with them, emphasize that your goal is not merely opposition but to protect the community and uphold what is good. These conversations can often lead to discussions about the ultimate source of righteousness—Jesus Christ.
4. Show Up to Events
If a Pride event occurs in your community, gather bold men from your church and attend. Be a visible, peaceful presence. Preach the gospel, hand out tracts, and engage in conversations with attendees.
Your presence alone can have a profound impact. At one Pride event in Shelbyville, 40 men from a local church attended, far outnumbering the organizers. The event shut down hours early because their efforts were overshadowed by the gospel witness. These events provide a unique opportunity to speak directly to those trapped in sin, lovingly sharing the message of Christ’s redemption and calling them to repentance.
Your presence alone can have a profound impact. At one Pride event in Shelbyville, 40 men from a local church attended, far outnumbering the organizers. The event shut down hours early because their efforts were overshadowed by the gospel witness. These events provide a unique opportunity to speak directly to those trapped in sin, lovingly sharing the message of Christ’s redemption and calling them to repentance.

5. Expose the Truth
The LGBTQ movement works hard to paint Pride events as "family-friendly." Don’t let them get away with it. Document what actually happens at these events: men dressed provocatively, children exposed to perverse behavior, and the public celebration of sin.
Share this evidence through videos, flyers, or social media. This will increase public opposition and make it harder for organizers to maintain the façade of innocence. In Shelbyville, exposing the grotesque reality of Pride events turned many neutral residents into vocal critics. As you reveal these truths, point people to the greater truth that Christ came to redeem sinners from all kinds of darkness, offering forgiveness and new life to those who repent and believe.
Share this evidence through videos, flyers, or social media. This will increase public opposition and make it harder for organizers to maintain the façade of innocence. In Shelbyville, exposing the grotesque reality of Pride events turned many neutral residents into vocal critics. As you reveal these truths, point people to the greater truth that Christ came to redeem sinners from all kinds of darkness, offering forgiveness and new life to those who repent and believe.
6. Fight for the Library and Schools
Public libraries and schools are key battlegrounds for indoctrinating children. LGBTQ-themed books aimed at normalizing sin and grooming young minds are becoming more common. Christians must take bold action to protect children from being exposed to such harmful content.
This approach may not be for everyone, but it was a step we were willing to take. One effective strategy is to remove these harmful books from circulation by checking them out. Take as many of them as you can, never return them, and never pay the fines. This ensures that children in your community will not have access to materials that promote ungodliness. While this may come with consequences, the protection of young minds and hearts is worth the effort.
At the same time, don’t overlook the importance of writing letters to your local library board and trustees. Thoughtfully written letters create pressure that influences future decisions about books, programs, and activities. Attend board meetings to voice your concerns in person and explain that Christians care deeply about protecting children because they are made in God’s image and precious in His sight. These efforts can lead to meaningful conversations about Christ’s love for children and the importance of righteousness.
This approach may not be for everyone, but it was a step we were willing to take. One effective strategy is to remove these harmful books from circulation by checking them out. Take as many of them as you can, never return them, and never pay the fines. This ensures that children in your community will not have access to materials that promote ungodliness. While this may come with consequences, the protection of young minds and hearts is worth the effort.
At the same time, don’t overlook the importance of writing letters to your local library board and trustees. Thoughtfully written letters create pressure that influences future decisions about books, programs, and activities. Attend board meetings to voice your concerns in person and explain that Christians care deeply about protecting children because they are made in God’s image and precious in His sight. These efforts can lead to meaningful conversations about Christ’s love for children and the importance of righteousness.
7. Block Parades Peacefully
If your town tries to host a Pride parade, consider taking a peaceful stand. In Tbilisi, Georgia, in 2021, Orthodox Christians blocked a Pride parade from happening. Although that situation reportedly turned violent, our response must remain peaceful, firm, and God-honoring.
Gather a large group of believers to peacefully occupy the streets and block the parade route. This sends a clear message: “Not in our town.” Be prepared for opposition, legal consequences, and accusations, but trust that your peaceful stand will embolden others and glorify God. Such stands can also open doors to share the gospel with onlookers and even those who oppose you.
Gather a large group of believers to peacefully occupy the streets and block the parade route. This sends a clear message: “Not in our town.” Be prepared for opposition, legal consequences, and accusations, but trust that your peaceful stand will embolden others and glorify God. Such stands can also open doors to share the gospel with onlookers and even those who oppose you.
8. Raise Up Godly Leaders
The long-term solution to fighting Pride events is cultivating godly leaders. Encourage men in your church to run for local offices—mayor, city council, magistrates, or school boards.
For too long, Christians have abandoned the civil sphere to those who do not fear God. This must change. A righteous leader can significantly influence the community by promoting laws that protect families, children, and biblical values. Remind men that stepping into leadership is not just about politics—it’s about serving Christ and advancing His kingdom in the public square.
For too long, Christians have abandoned the civil sphere to those who do not fear God. This must change. A righteous leader can significantly influence the community by promoting laws that protect families, children, and biblical values. Remind men that stepping into leadership is not just about politics—it’s about serving Christ and advancing His kingdom in the public square.
9. Build Alliances
No single church can fight this battle alone. Partner with other like-minded churches and Christian organizations in your area. A unified Christian presence sends a strong message to local leaders, businesses, and organizers: the community rejects Pride events.
One major obstacle to building alliances is the false ideology embraced by some pastors—that in order to reach the world, they must accept its sins. This thought process holds many churches back, convincing them that tolerance of wickedness is necessary for effective evangelism.
This ideology must be confronted. The church is most relevant to the world when it honors Christ and opposes sin, not when it conforms to culture. By standing boldly against wickedness, Christians demonstrate the transformative power of the gospel and the holiness of God. True love warns against sin; it doesn’t celebrate it.
One major obstacle to building alliances is the false ideology embraced by some pastors—that in order to reach the world, they must accept its sins. This thought process holds many churches back, convincing them that tolerance of wickedness is necessary for effective evangelism.
This ideology must be confronted. The church is most relevant to the world when it honors Christ and opposes sin, not when it conforms to culture. By standing boldly against wickedness, Christians demonstrate the transformative power of the gospel and the holiness of God. True love warns against sin; it doesn’t celebrate it.
10. Prepare for Pushback
Standing against Pride events will bring criticism. You will be labeled hateful, bigoted, or worse. You may receive threats or even face legal challenges.
Be ready. Boldness comes with a cost. But remember, Christ has called you to take up your cross and follow Him (Matthew 16:24). Prepare yourself spiritually by committing to prayer, studying the Word, and leaning on fellow believers for support. Prepare legally by knowing your rights and having resources ready if opposition arises.
When you face pushback, remember that your goal is not to win the world’s approval but to honor God and proclaim His truth. These moments are opportunities to witness to others—even your opponents—about the love of Christ, who calls sinners to repentance and offers eternal life.
Be ready. Boldness comes with a cost. But remember, Christ has called you to take up your cross and follow Him (Matthew 16:24). Prepare yourself spiritually by committing to prayer, studying the Word, and leaning on fellow believers for support. Prepare legally by knowing your rights and having resources ready if opposition arises.
When you face pushback, remember that your goal is not to win the world’s approval but to honor God and proclaim His truth. These moments are opportunities to witness to others—even your opponents—about the love of Christ, who calls sinners to repentance and offers eternal life.
Conclusion: Expose Darkness, Proclaim the Light
Ephesians 5:11 reminds us, “Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them.”
The battle against Pride events is not just about opposing sin but about bringing the light of Christ into the darkness. Bold action rooted in biblical conviction can protect the next generation and glorify God in your community.
As Christians, we stand against public celebrations of sin not out of hatred but because we know the gospel has the power to set sinners free. Our goal is not just to oppose darkness but to proclaim the hope and redemption found in Jesus Christ.
The world needs churches that are unafraid to stand firm on God’s Word. If you remain silent, the sin celebrated today will only grow more pervasive tomorrow. But if you expose evil and proclaim the gospel, you will shine as a light in the darkness, showing the world the holiness of God and the transformative power of His grace.
Will you stand?
The battle against Pride events is not just about opposing sin but about bringing the light of Christ into the darkness. Bold action rooted in biblical conviction can protect the next generation and glorify God in your community.
As Christians, we stand against public celebrations of sin not out of hatred but because we know the gospel has the power to set sinners free. Our goal is not just to oppose darkness but to proclaim the hope and redemption found in Jesus Christ.
The world needs churches that are unafraid to stand firm on God’s Word. If you remain silent, the sin celebrated today will only grow more pervasive tomorrow. But if you expose evil and proclaim the gospel, you will shine as a light in the darkness, showing the world the holiness of God and the transformative power of His grace.
Will you stand?