Consider Your Marriage Vows

On this day, December 7, 2024, I'll have the privilege of officiating the eleventh wedding among couples at Reformation Church. I will have done eight. Pastor Cartwright has done two. Pastor Lace has done one.
Today, I want to highlight the vows I have used four separate times. I love them! They were written by Andrew and Emilie Rudd for their marriage on March 4, 2023, in Nampa, Idaho. (Andrew flew 1900 miles to get the girl and bring her home—and I went with him to help.) These vows reflect the scriptural commitments and ideals that Christian Marriage should reflect.
With their permission, I submit them for public consideration. You're invited to use them in your upcoming wedding.
Today, I want to highlight the vows I have used four separate times. I love them! They were written by Andrew and Emilie Rudd for their marriage on March 4, 2023, in Nampa, Idaho. (Andrew flew 1900 miles to get the girl and bring her home—and I went with him to help.) These vows reflect the scriptural commitments and ideals that Christian Marriage should reflect.
With their permission, I submit them for public consideration. You're invited to use them in your upcoming wedding.
To The Groom
[Groom], repeat after me….
Before the living God and in the presence of many witnesses,
I choose you, [Bride's Full Name],
to be my lawfully wedded wife.
I covenant to love you sacrificially and unconditionally
as Christ has loved us, his church.
I covenant to wash you in his word
and present you unto him as holy and blameless.
Moreover, I covenant to love you as my own body
to lead you in all truth,
to provide for you as myself,
and to protect you as my own.
Furthermore, I covenant to praise you
and treasure you as one far more precious than jewels.
To you I promise myself
and all of myself without reservation
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health
till death do us part.
To The Bride
[Bride], repeat after me….
Before the living God and in the presence of many witnesses,
I joyfully become your lawfully wedded wife
and delightfully submit myself to your headship.
I solemnly covenant to be one with you.
I promise to be your exclusive companion
and helpmate in all that you do.
I vow to submit to you, my husband,
as I do to the Lord with the utmost joy and delight.
Furthermore, I covenant to respect you
and seek to make your name known in the gates of our city.
To you, [Groom's Full Name], I give you myself
my mind, my heart, and my body without reservation
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health
till death do us part.

The Rudds have a podcast chronicling their journey to combat individualism and consumerism by bringing the economy back to the family. Check it out here.
Christ is King!
Christ is King!