Flat Earth, Thick Skin, and Keeping the Gospel Central

Is the earth flat? No. Is this issue worth dividing over? Also no.
Flat-earthers can be church-going Christians. You can sit in church, hear the gospel, and worship next to someone who believes the earth is a sphere—and that’s okay. It’s a third-tier issue. Third-tier issues are those we can disagree on without breaking fellowship.
The problem comes when flat-earthers make their view a bigger deal than the gospel. We’ve seen it—people isolating themselves, ditching the local church, and finding “their people” online. If a third tier issue creates division or pride, that’s not faithfulness—that’s foolishness.
Here’s the truth: flat-earthers tend to be the thinnest-skinned people we’ve ever met. If you joke about it, challenge it, or present evidence, they get offended, as if you’ve insulted them personally. But here’s the deal—you need to lighten up.
In the church, we poke fun and push back. We love our dispensationalist brothers. We think they’re wrong, and they think we're wrong. We laugh about it, then we move on. That’s what Christian unity looks like—being able to sharpen one another and still love one another.
So, flat-earthers, if you’re convinced, hold to it humbly. Don’t get offended if someone disagrees. And for the rest of us—be patient. Don’t let correction turn into mockery.
Here’s what matters: the shape of the earth won’t save you. The gospel will. Jesus Christ came to redeem sinners, and that’s the truth we stand on. Don’t let third-tier issues distract you from what’s central.
Flat-earthers, you’re welcome in the church. Just lighten up, grow some thicker skin, and let’s focus on the gospel.
Let's Talk!
If you’re a flat-earther, We genuinely want to hear from you. Reach out. Convince us. Let’s have the conversation. Just don’t get mad when we push back.
Christ is King!
Christ is King!