Psalm 139 RCS

Feb 5, 2023

VERSE 1 (1–5a)

LORD, you have searched me, and you know

Me, when I rest, where'er I go

My thoughts, you know, e'en from afar

My path, you search, my lying down

^You altogether know my ways!

Before a word is on my tongue,

Behold, O LORD, you know it all

You hem me i-n before, behind


VERSE 2 (5b–8)

On me, you rest your mighty hand

So wondrous is your knowledge, and

Your ways, your thoughts, so lofty are

I cannot grasp, nor reach so far

^Where can I from your Spirit flee?

Or from your presence ever be?

In heaven? No, it is your own

As well the de-pths of dark Sheol


VERSE 3 (9–12)

If I, the wings of dawn, could take

And in the deeps, my dwelling make

Ev'n there, your mighty hand would lead

And your right hand take hold of me

^If I should say, “The darkness shall

O'ertake the light and cover me”

The dark, it is not dark to you

With you the da-rk is as the day


VERSE 4 (13–16a)

Within the womb you knitted me

My God, you formed my inward parts

So fearfully and wondrously;

My soul well-knows your wondrous arts

^I was not hidden from your sight,

When in the depths of earth was wrought

My frame, in secret, woven there

Your eyes beh-eld me, yet unformed


VERSE 5 (16b–18)

And all the days you formed for me

Were written in your book's decree

Before there had been even one

O God! How vast is all the sum

^Of all your wondrous thoughts, O God!

How precious to me, every one

They number more than all the sand

When I aw-ake, I'm in your hand


VERSE 6 (19–24)

O men of blood, from me depart

Oh that you would, the wicked, slay

They speak of you, with ill intent

And take your holy name in vain

^Do I not hate your haters, LORD?

Those loathing you, I have abhorred

I hate them with a perfect hate

I count them a-s my enemies


^Search me, O God, and know my heart!

Try me, and know each of my thoughts

And lead me, LORD, if I should stray

Away, the e-verlasting way.